Project Bartonella.
Project Bartonella is continuing with the development of an innovative new treatment for Bartonella and Lyme, the concept for which has been vetted by a number of leading experts at Duke University. At the current stage of development, this novel drug has been formulated by our research partners at Stanford University, so that it is stable and ready for the next stage of testing. During this phase we will infect white blood cells with both Bartonella and Lyme bacteria, and see if this new drug eradicates them from within those sanctuaries. We'll be comparing it to standard treatments currently used for Bartonella and Lyme patients. Unfortunately, the currently available treatments for these conditions frequently fail, which is why this research is so important.
Our joint funding venture with Bay Area Lyme Foundation will allow contributors to Lyme Connection to earmark their donations for "Project Bartonella". Your donation is being used to find a cure for these chronic, often difficult to treat, infections. If you are interested in making a charitable donation to fund efforts to demonstrate the effectiveness of this new treatment, please click here to donate or checks can be mailed to:
Lyme Connection
c/o Karen Gaudian
400 Main St.
Ridgefield, CT 06877