Barbara Anderson and Fran the Tick, WCSU Health Fair, 2023
Support Groups.
Online Support Groups
www.lymedrc.org https://www.lymedrc.org/support-groups/
LYME PARENTS YAHOO GROUP - Open to anyone who is a parent or family member of a child with Lyme disease and/or other tick-borne infections. Moderator: Dorothy Leland, LymeDisease.org To join, click HERE.
Connecticut Support Groups
Changes may occur that we are not aware of, be sure to check group details before attending.
- HEBRON, CT - Lyme Support Group. We have merged with another group and now meet the last Sunday of the month (Excluding Dec.) 1:30-3:30 at the Lebanon Senior Center (All ages welcome) 37 Town St, Rear. Lebanon CT. Contact: p_fontana@hotmail.com.
- OLD LYME, CT - Lyme Disease Support Group, Third Thursday of each month, 6:30 pm, 52 Lyme St. Free, open group. Contact: Kelly at 860-395-0284
- MANSFIELD/STORRS, CT- Lyme Disease Support Group. Informal get togethers based on interest and weather. Call or email to learn more.
email: MansfieldCTLyme@gmail.com Phone:860-948-0151 Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/mansfield.storrs.lyme.disease.support?_rdr
- MERIDEN, CT - Lyme Disease and Chronic Illness Support Group. Meet the first Saturday of every month. 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m., Meriden Public Library, 105 Miller Street, Meriden, CT 06450, Discussion, information and support. Contact: Crystal Carter, Group Facilitator, at MeridenLymeHope@gmail.com http://www.facebook.com/MeridenLymeGroup
- SOUTHBURY, CT- Tribury Lyme Disease Support Group, Third Thursday of every month, 1:00 p.m., United Church of Christ, 283 Main Street, Southbury, CT, Room 101, Use side entrance, follow green signs, Free meetings offering speakers and discussion. Contact: support@triburylyme.org Check website triburylyme.org for cancellations.
New York Support Groups
- PLEASANT VALLEY, NY- Mid-Hudson Lyme Disease Support Group, Second Wednesday of each month,7:30 p.m., Pleasant Valley Presbyterian Church, Rt. 44 Pleasant Valley, Wheelchair accessible, Contact: Rachel at 845-229-8925
- RED HOOK, NY - Northern Dutchess Lyme Disease Support Group, Second Tuesday of every month, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m., Red Hook Community Center, 59 Fisk Street, Red Hook, Contact Lauren at 845-758-8457 Call to confirm if inclement weather
- WOODSTOCK, NY- Ulster County Lyme Support Group, Fourth Wednesday of every month, 7:30 p.m. Overlook United Methodist Church, 233 Tinker Street, Woodstock, Contact Susie 845-891-6760 or Rick 845-616-5410.
Massachusetts Support Groups
- CAPE COD LYME SUPPORT - Contact Lisa Freeman @ lfree125@comcast.net
- GREATER BOSTON AREA METROWEST GROUP- Contact Fred Cheslek fcheslek@yahoo.com
- LYME ALLIANCE OF THE BERKSHIRES - Contact M Florence Hall berkshirelyme@yahoo.com
- LYME AWARENESS OF CAPE COD - Contact Ron Gangemi rongangemi@yahoo.com
- RAINBOW LYME GROUP - Contact Kenneth Mercure thelymelife@yahoo.com
- S.L.A.M. (Sturbridge Lyme Awareness of Massachusetts) - Contact Trish McCleary S.L.A.M.@msn.com
Rhode Island
- NEWPORT LYME - Monthly meetings. Our support group meetings are held every 4th Thursday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the United Congregational Church 524 on Valley Road in Middletown, RI, 02842. Enter door on the side, in the back. (Parking is available in a lot at the intersection of Green End Avenue). More information HERE.
New Jersey Support Group
- NEWTON - Sussex County Lyme Support Group, Third Thursday of the month, 7 pm - 9 pm, The United Methodist Church, 111 Ryerson Avenue,Newton, NJ. For more information or to RSVP, email Joann at molnajoa1@verizon.net or call Marty at 201-213-4178.